Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Sprite of the "FATHER" still lives on.

To the People who believes in Freedom,

Again, February 8 came and went like nothing happened for this country but March 8 was a different story. They say it was like a tsunami wave that hit the nation on Election Day and on the next day the ruling Barisan National government was shocked by the outcome of the polling day results. Political analysis and academician are still grappling and analyzing what made this political wave. Remember I mention February 8, there’s a reason why I mention it. On March 8, the people voted for what they believed in, democracy, equality and freedom. On February 8, it was the day when a true Great Leader for the people was born. A man that stood by his people not looking what race, religion or skin color one was but for the pride and honor that we are all one, Malayan(Malaysian). It the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, and on February 8 it was his birthday and yet again the ruling party didn’t even give a damn, so the day went on unnoticed. But not for many true patriots, they went to their respective places of worship (Mosque, Temples, Churches, Toh Kong and etc) to say a prayer for a great man who gave his people equality, democracy and freedom. He is the man with the very first IC (Identification Card) and thus giving his people the power to vote. But the ruling party kicked out the Tunku from UMNO and even when the Tunku passed on, the government didn’t even announce on the radio nor on the television about his departure. How could the ruling party clam to be for the people but can the Malaysian people accept what they did this to our “Father of Independence”? For the nation’s 50th Merdeka(Independence Day) celebration the government took millions of the peoples money to redo the Merdeka stadium so that they can show off to the world and show how patriotic are they as a ruling government. To the ruling party, that’s you BN. Stop manipulating and using the Tunku, your party didn’t give him the respect and honor he deserved but the people of Malaya has and will always do so. When the Tunku was without a party, the only party that offered him a place so that he can be their mentor was an opposition party called ‘Semagat 46’ lead by Tengku Razally.

It’s funny how UMNO veterans said to the people recently mainly to the Malay community especially in Penang, ‘The Malays who voted for the opposition are unpatriotic.’ Can I ask this entire racists extremist something, which is more unpatriotic, exercising ones right to vote or kicking our “Father of Independence” and not respecting his freedom of democracy for his people? The new Chief Minister of Penang has recently said that there will be no more New Economic Policy(NEP) in that state and as soon that was said the UMNO members started to protest. Even the Prime Minister Abdullah (Pak Lah) warned of the consequences. Is the PM trying to make the country imbalance? The opposition is now ruling the state of Penang and it’s their right to carry out their policy and not the BN policies. Its true democracy is coming back to the people because even though the UMNO members were protesting about the NEP they never gave any memorandum to the Chief Minister. The police was there to keep things in order but no arrests were made even though the protesters didn’t have a police permit. Do you think the people are that naive, this protest was by UMNO and the everyday Malay citizen of Penang have no time and interest in this. Let the new Penang government prove to its people what it’s capable of and what equality means to them, the people have spoken in their votes. Even the ruling BN government never gave this much of freedom to its citizens, the five leaders of HINDRAF are still being detained by the internal security act (ISA) and they were voicing out the Hindus sadness and grievances to the government for breaking and destroying their temples. But according to our Prime Ministers they are linked to the Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers. Terrorist are like Al-Qeidea and Jemaah Islamiah(JI) which terrorizes and cause fear to people with acts of violence and bombing and by not keeping their fight on their own land. The Tamil Tigers or The FARC are rebels not terrorist and HINDRAF is just an unregistered organization that are doing what the MIC (Malaysian Indian congress) can’t do for the Hindus, that is to ‘voicing their democratic and fundamental right’.

From the looks of it the NEP was introduce in the 1970s after the 13 May 1969 race riots to help the ‘not so well to do’ Malays to have an economic advantage in the country. But as time went on it only helped out the people in power that’s in UMNO but the ‘Mak Cik’ (an elderly Malay lady) on the street still has to wait seven years for her bank lone to be approve so that she can get a van for her food business. And she applied under her ‘bumiputera statues’. After forty year it seemed that the NEP does more harm then good and race relations has suffered between the Malays and the Non-Malays of this country. No thanks to some UMNO members and their fiery kris welding tactics, the worst is, one of them is a minister of education. And they plan to unite the people when they are the ones who cause the problems in the first place, ‘In the name of Malay supremacy of UMNO and Islam?’ The truth is that in Malaysia, the ‘not so well to do’ are not only the Malays, there’s the Hindus, Chinese, Indigenous People(orang asli) and etc. That’s what the opposition is trying to show not only to the citizens of this nation but also to the world because the eye of the world is on us. This country is a democratic country and the Tunku even said that religion must be a personal choice and not dictated or forced by any state or government of any country, read his authorized biography which was done by K.Das and written by Kua Kia Soong called K.Das & The Tunku Tapes. A must-have book for all Malaysians because it’s practically the Tunku’s final work before he departed from his fellow Malayans.

After 50 years, we can now see that true democracy, equality, freedom and pride is coming back to this nation and if the Tunku was alive today he will be proud of his people for showing that on March 8 the voice and the vote of unity prevailed. They say that when an earth quake or a tsunami hits, the first wave is a wake up call. It’s the second wave that will shock the world. To the people of Malaya, the Tunku is proud and happy with his people because the people are one it’s the BN that has been using the people and that they (the BN) are now coming to terms that the people make the government not the government makes the people. The spirit of the Tunku lives in all Malayans(Malaysians).

“Democracy, equality, and freedom to the people”.
:The Tunku

T.A.R. Vijaya@ the Patriot
Ps: Many of the local media and news papers never ever published or showed my articles to the public but thanks to alternative media avenues like "FREE MEDIA" the sprit in which the Tunku wanted for his people can live on. Thank you.

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